Lebel & Harriman
In late summer 2021, we teamed up with Lebel & Harriman to assist them with a rebranding and redesign of their website. iBec would provide L&H with thought leadership and practical design and development work throughout this engaging project.
Homepage Redesign

Logo Design & Branding
L&H’s previous branding choices were in need of a new lick of paint, but were familiar and appreciated by their existing client base. Together with L&H, we wanted to respect that existing client base, while also presenting a brand that could compete for the attention and trust of a younger audience, and bring in new clients.
L&H’s website, was full of useful information but needed edits to structure and layout to help guide both prospective and existing clients through to the content they were looking for.

Customized Illustrations
We developed a less stock-photography tone to the website, switching to friendly illustrations, and worked with L&H throughout the process to agree upon clean, stylish layouts for pages within the chosen WordPress theme.

Engaging in a highly collaborative process, we first worked together to determine brand guidelines for L&H, drawing upon their existing colors and brand “feel”, while making design-forward recommendations to both entice and welcome. Once that was determined, we used our learnings to create a logo that spoke to the strength of L&H’s brand history while also communicating their desire to engage with a more contemporary audience.
Keeping a flexible but proactive working schedule, we were able to help L&H launch their new branding in the late winter of 2021/22. Internally and externally, this rebrand has been warmly welcomed and stood L&H in great stead for a bright future.