Maine Golf
iBec partnered with Maine Golf following their rebrand (previously known as Maine State Golf Association) to help design and develop a site that was easy and informative for its users, which span all age ranges and skill levels. A major goal of the site was the development and implementation of a custom location-based course finder to help guide users to golf courses throughout the state of Maine.
Homepage Redesign

Due to Maine Golf’s position as the leading advocate for golf in Maine over the past 100 years, they have a strong following of golfers that rely on their site for a multitude of reasons. Following a rebrand, we needed to make sure that golfers in Maine continued to look to Maine Golf as their number one resource, while also encouraging young, new golfers to pick up the game. We wanted to honor the successes of the past 100 years while also supporting exponential growth over the next 100 years.

Ensuring that the site is user-friendly was top of mind so that users used to navigating their previous site were easily able to adapt to the new site. This was accomplished using a mindful navigation structure and welcoming design features. In the interest of becoming a hub for all things golf in Maine, the implementation of a location-based course finder makes the website standout as a useful tool for locals and tourists alike.