iBec Announces “Digital Aid” Relief Contest for Businesses Affected by COVID-19

PORTLAND, MAINE (March 27, 2020) – iBec Creative (www​.ibeccreative​.com), a digital agency headquartered in Portland, Maine who specializes in data-driven websites and e‑commerce design, development and marketing, launches an open application for in-kind work to support businesses that are negatively impacted by COVID-19 and need help transforming their business to digital.

Traditional businesses that hadn’t yet invested in their customers’ digital experience were caught off guard with the sudden restrictions COVID-19 placed on their business. “So many companies are scrambling to find new ways to keep revenue flowing from their customers and they have little budget to do so. We want to help,” says Becky McKinnell, founder and CEO of iBec Creative. “We have the team that can guide them and quickly launch a new digital experience.”

In the past two weeks, iBec has helped various businesses successfully navigate the impact of COVID-19, from adapting a communication strategy to building a new website experience, and bringing new products to the curbside.

Applications are open through Friday April 3, 2020 and on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, iBec Creative will select one business to be the recipient of 20 hours worth of free services to help them continue to thrive during these difficult times.


To apply for iBec Creative’s Digital Aid package, go to https://​www​.ibeccreative​.com/​d​i​g​i​t​a​l​-​a​i​d​-​p​a​c​k​age

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About iBec Creative:

Founded in 2006 by Businessweek Top 25 Under 25 alum Becky McKinnell, iBec Creative is a digital agency specializing in data-driven website and e‑commerce design, development and marketing for companies that rely on websites as their sales engines. Serving clients nationally from its headquarters in Portland, Maine, iBec Creative aims to help businesses and the people behind them thrive online. www​.iBecCreative​.com.

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