Google’s New Ads

Agencies and companies alike know the struggle is real when it comes to mobile advertising spend. It has notoriously held artificially high click through rates and is more expensive. Why? Think back on a recent time when you read an article online using your mobile device. Somewhere within the article there was likely an advertisement, and chances are, you attempted to breeze past it but accidentally clicked on it. You are not alone in making this mistake. The image below illustrates the changes Google is in the midst of correcting today for their mobile advertisements.

Google Ad screenshot

As you can see, the blue area will no longer be clickable. This will minimize the area the ad takes up on a mobile device’s screen, and hopefully, decrease the chance for a user to accidentally click on it. In a similar light, the red icon on the right-hand side of the device will no longer be clickable.

What does this mean for companies interested in advertising with Google mobile AdWords? That your leads from each of your AdWords campaigns are likely to be more qualified seeing as ‘chance’ and ‘accidents’ are less probable with the new changes. 

Now is a great time to give a Google AdWords campaign a try! Call us for a digital marketing overview today. We’d love to come up with a digital marketing strategy that aligns with your goals.

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