Happy 17th birthday to iBec Creative!

The June 2023 Newsletter — 

‘Twas seventeen years ago when Becky was sitting on the floor of her office, stuffing custom-made fortune cookies into takeout boxes before mailing them to potential clients. While it admittedly didn’t result in the client acquisition she had hoped, her creative ideas like this one set the stage for what iBec Creative has become today!

becky sitting on the floor of an office holding a fortune cookie and chinese takeout box with fortune cookies in a pile on the floor

Our team celebrated this milestone with bagels and donuts in the morning, lunch together in the office, and a champagne toast at the end of the day. To reminisce, Becky passed around her original business plan and portfolio and told some stories of iBec’s creation. Cheers to 17 years!

iBec takes to the trails

iBec ended the month of May with 92.86% participation in our monthly iBec compensated volunteer hours for a total of 40 combined hours! In addition to several team members volunteering on their own time with a number of nonprofits, we took to the Presumpscot River Trail in Portland to help rebuild a portion of a bridge that was damaged by a fallen tree. Our carpentry skills proved to be good enough that we were also allowed to build a rail to discourage people from going off-trail in an area of the woods not intended for public use.

matt b, violet, morgan, chelsea, matt s, konnor, rayna, and liz standing in the woods with trees behind them and wooden planks at their feet

Thank you to Portland Trails for hosting our team and putting up with our silliness inspired by our excitement for getting outside and helping out! There are plenty of volunteer opportunities if you’re interested in hitting the trails too. Learn more at the Portland Trails website.

Calling all purpose-driven brands

ibec creative presents the purpose driven marketers summit where the best purpose driven brands go to learn, meet (virtually now!), share, and be inspired

Are you a company or brand that considers yourself (or is interested in becoming) purpose-driven? This might be you if you:

If you answered yes to some or all of these examples, request your invite now!

On Thursday, June 29th from 8:30am-12pm ESTwe will be hosting a virtual Purpose Driven Marketers Summit. Here, you can:

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