The first signs of summer

The May 2024 Newsletter -

Trees turning green, birds chirping, and the sun rising before 6 AM are all sure signs that summer is coming. Here at iBec, we have another sign that summer is on the way: Chelsea rides her motor scooter to work! 

For the second year in a row, iBec held our annual “scooter pool”. Everyone places a bet on when Chelsea will ride her scooter into the office for the first time that year. It’s trickier to guess than you may think. A scoot day requires the trifecta of scoot factors. It must be warm enough, have no rain in the forecast, and it must fall on a day that Chelsea plans to be in the office (we run a hybrid work environment).

The first scoot day of 2024? April 17th!  Congratulations to Matt S on his perfect guess. While he should receive a shirt custom designed by Konnor, rumor has it that last year’s winner is still waiting for his… Here’s a sneak peek at the design:

time to get while the gettins good collage of chelsea

(We imagine these will be in high demand so if you want one, let us know soon)

iBec welcomes Husson College

This past April, iBec excitedly welcomed students from Husson College to the office for an afternoon of mentorship. We covered topics such as how to interview for jobs, what a day of life is like at iBec, working at an agency vs. in-house, and what tools/certifications we recommend to anyone looking to get into digital marketing.

Here’s what a couple of iBeccians have to say about the experience:

“Having gone to Husson, it was an awesome full circle moment for me! I loved getting to see my old professors and mentor the next generation of marketers and designers.”

-Kes Lavoie, Lead Digital Marketer

“It was a great experience not only to share my knowledge but also to learn about the different perspectives and experiences of a very talented group of students”

-Matt Smith, Lead Designer

“As a Husson alumni, I was stoked to chat and impart some insight to folks in the same position I was once in.”

-Konnor Newton, Designer

Becky was awarded for her volunteer work!

“When you are out building your network and making connections, be human and be helpful and kind and all of that will come back to you.” — Becky McKinnell, Founder & CEO of iBec Creative, Episode 7 of The PR Maven Podcast, 2018.

Becky founded iBec on the ideals of kindness and integrity. Even though we didn’t become a B Corp until 2022, she was encouraging volunteer work and doing the right thing long before then. That’s why it’s no wonder that she received the Bachelder B Keeper of the Year Award! 

Ben Conniff of Luke's Lobster, Becky McKinnell of iBec Creative, and Fiona Wilson of UNH's Sustainability Institute

The Bachelder B Keeper of the Year Award award signifies a commitment to social impact and community engagement. It highlights the importance of giving back and making a difference beyond the bottom line. Congratulations Becky! You deserve it!

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